ControlByNet released a version of its Guard-Concierge Station software that utilizes “one-click” Axis Cameras

ControlByNet has released a version of its Guard-Concierge Station software enabling it to utilize the ‘one-click’ component of Axis Communications cameras jointly with a scaled down version of ControlByNet’s cloud surveillance. One of the only true-cloud video solutions for integrators and end-users, the additional support adds to the flexibility of ControlByNet’s cloud video solutions. It enables guard companies to quickly provide a solution for customers and adds flexibility for customer needs, such as allowing an easy ‘ship and guard’ option for temporary guarding of under construction properties or those needed emergency guarding.

“By utilizing a scaled down version of our cloud video surveillance software, whether hosted by ControlByNet, the reseller or even Amazon, the end-user customer gets the option of the cleanest cloud interface on the market while the guard company can quickly implement an advanced solution to customers,” says Ryan Strange, President of ControlByNet. “While we can support any camera, IP or analog, the utilization of the Axis component built into our software allows for quicker deployment and a more secure connection. The component has long been a benefit for installers to allow quicker setup of cameras without the need for network configuration on-site while providing a monthly service opportunity of an additional recurring revenue stream.”

ControlByNet | Video Surveillance in the Cloud

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